An R package auditor

Package auditor provides several methods for model verification and validation by error analysis. This includes both, graphical methods and scores, which that can be useful for comparison of models performance. More detailed description is presented in the package vignettes which can be found on the auditor website.
auditor is availible on CRAN now.

Studencka Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki DwuMIan

Student Conference on Applied Mathematics DwuMIan

(23-25 March 2018)

Student Conference on Applied Mathematics DwuMIan is the first Warsaw student conference organized by leading mathematical faculties in Poland - the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at Warsaw University of Technology. The aim of the event is to integrate students interested in applying mathematical methods in technical and natural sciences. The conference includes lectures prepared both by students and academics.
The conference took place on 23-25 March 2018. More information may be found on DwuMIan website (in polish).

An R package MLExpResso

MLExpResso is an R package for integrative analyses and visualization of gene expression and DNA methylation data.

Key functions of this package are:

  • Identification of genes with affected expression,
  • Identification of DMR - differentially methylated regions,
  • Identification of regions with changes in expression and methylation,
  • Visualization of identified regions.

More detailed description is presented in the package vignettes which can be found on the MLExpResso website.
Work on this package was financially supported by the ‘NCN Opus grant 2016/21/B/ST6/02176’.

An R package BLModel

BLModel: Black-Litterman Posterior Distribution
Posterior distribution in the Black-Litterman model is computed from a prior distribution given in the form of a time series of asset returns and a continuous distribution of views provided by the user as an external function.
Package BLModel in on CRAN.

Game written in Python

This horizontal shooter game was created as a project for PADPy 2016 on Warsaw University of Technology.
Source code and instructions can be found in this GitHub repository.